Getting Started with Anchor


Writing correct concurrent code can be a daunting task for even the most expert programmer. Anchor is designed to make that task easier by verifying that code is free of concurrency errors and also behaves as the programmer intended. To use Anchor, a programmer adds annotations to code written in a subset of Java that enable Anchor to verify key correctness properties. You can get a sneak peak of thsese annotations by copying the following code snippet to the editor by clicking . (And you can copy and then verify the snippet by clicking ).

class Stack { 

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

  Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;

class Stack {

  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  modifies this;
  ensures == old(this.head);
  ensures this.head.item == item;
  public void push(int item) {
    Node node = new Node(item, this.head);
    this.head = node; 

  modifies this;
  ensures old(this.head) != null;
  ensures $result == old(this.head.item); 
  ensures this.head == old(;
  public int pop() {
    while (this.head == null) 
      invariant holds(this);
    int value = this.head.item;
    this.head =;
    return value;


This example is a thread-safe Stack that represents the stack as a linked list of Node objects and protects accesses to its head field with the enclosing Stack object’s lock. Anchor verifies five properties for Stack:

  1. The code satisfies the synchronization specifications on memory locations that describe the conditions under which accesses are allowed and how those accesses commute with steps of other threads.
  2. The code is free of data race conditions (and hence exhibits sequentially-consistent behavior),
  3. All methods are P/C equivalent, meaning that yield annotations document all location in the source where thread interference may occur.
  4. All methods satisfy their method specifications.
  5. The program does not go wrong due to assertion failures.

Some of these guarantees may be familiar, while others may need some explanation. We illustrate all of them below, and while using Anchor doesn’t make concurrent programmer trivial, it does provide an effective means to document and check synchronization disciplines and expectated behavior.

This tutorial illustrates how to use Anchor on a variety of examples. The techniques are perhaps most accessible to those already somewhat familiar with program verification. For those who might prefer to gain an understanding of verification of sequential code before diving into concurrency, we highly recommend checking out Dafny. Indeed, many aspects of our work on Anchor are inspired by earlier tools like Dafny.

To understand the annotations we’ve added for Anchor, we first take a brief tour of the theory underlying our technique…

Lipton’s Theory of Reduction

Anchor’s reasoning is based on Lipton’s theory of reduction. Specifically, Anchor reasons about how memory and synchronization operations of a thread commute with concurrent operations of other threads:

  • R: An operation is a right-mover if it can commute to the right of any subsequent operation by a different thread without changing the resulting state. For example, a lock acquire by is a right-mover because any subsequent operation by another thread cannot modify that lock.

  • L: An operation is a left-mover if it can commute to the left of a preceding operation by a different thread without changing the resulting state. For example, a lock release is a left-mover because any preceding operation by another thread cannot modify that lock.

  • B: An operation is a both-mover if it is both a left and a right mover. For example, a race-free memory access is a both-mover because there are no concurrent, conflicting accesses.

  • N: operation is a non-mover if it is neither a left- nor a right-mover. For example, an access to a race-prone variable is a non-mover since there may be concurrent writes.

Consider a sequence of steps performed by a particular thread that consists of

  • zero or more right-movers (R);
  • at most one non-mover (N); and
  • zero or more left-movers (L).

Such a sequence R*;N?;L* is reducible; any interleaved steps of other threads can be “commuted out” to yield an execution in which the steps run in a cooperative fashion without interleaved steps from other threads. For example, a lock acquire followed by race-free memory accesses and then a lock release is reducible. The figure below illustrates how such a sequence of steps interleaved with steps of other threads may be commuted within a trace to produce a sequence with the same behavior, but without interleaved steps.

Original Trace Trace after Reduction
R acquire(m)
B tmp = this.x R acquire(m)
B tmp = this.x
B this.x = tmp + 1 B this.x = tmp + 1
L release(m)
L release(m)
Anchor uses this theory to show that each method is P/C equivalent by verifying that all execution paths consist of reducible sequences


separated by yields.

Synchronization Specifications

To leverage Lipton’s theory, Anchor relies on synchronization specifications that describe both

  1. when each thread is permitted to access (read or write) each shared memory location, and
  2. how each permitted access commutes with potential concurrent accesses of other threads.

A basic synchronization specification is one of the standard mover classifications (R, L, B, N) or the special error mover E to indicate that an access is not permitted. Commutativity can also be conditioned on a boolean expression.

As an example, consider the field head in our Stack example above. It protected by the lock of the enclosing object. If a thread accesses head without holding that lock, it is an error (denoted E in our specification language). If a thread holds that lock, then an access to head commutes across preceding and succeeding operations of other threads because other threads cannot simultaneously access that lock-protected field and is thus a both mover.

We write this specification in Anchor as a moves_as annotation:

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

class Node {
  // ...

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;


Synchronization mechanisms are often designed around a rich variety of conditions, including which locks are held, whether an access is a read or a write, whether the enclosing object is thread local, the identity of the accessing thread, and the values of other variables or other aspects of program state. Such conditions are readily captured by Anchor’s moves_as synchronization specifications.

For the Node class in our example, both fields have a specification indicating that accesses are both-movers as long as the node is thread-local (that is, accessible only to the current thread). If a node is not thread-local, then its fields are readonly, meaning they have both-mover read permissions but error write permissions:

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;


The boolean expressions in moves_as annotations can be any valid boolean expressions and can also include the following special variables and predicates:

tid the thread identifier of the accessing thread.
isRead() whether the access is a read.
newValue the value being written, if the access is a write.
holds(o) whether the lock for the object denoted by the expression o is held.
isLocal(o) whether o is accessible by only the current thread.

Array types also include moves_as annotations capturing the permission for accessing each array element. Since array types can get pretty large pretty quickly, and are often repeated in the code, we use array declarations to provide short names for array types.

Here are two quick examples. This first is a field whose type is an array in which elements are all protected by the enclosing objects lock. Further, the field itself is protected by the same lock.

class ArrayExample {

  array UsesLock = int[moves_as holds(this) ? B : E]; 
  [UsesLock] elems moves_as isLocal(this) 
                            ? B 
                            : holds(this) ? B : E;

  // ...

class ArrayExample {

  array UsesLock = int[moves_as holds(this) ? B : E];
  [UsesLock] elems moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : holds(this) ? B : E;

  public ArrayExample() {
    this.elems = new [UsesLock](10);

  requires 0 <= i < 10;
  public void access(int i) {
    synchronized(this) {   // acquire/release around enclosed block.
      this.elems[i] == 0;


The second is an array in which a thread may only access the element at the index corresponding to its tid.

array ThreadLocal = int[moves_as index == tid ? B : E];

class ArrayExample {

  array ThreadLocal = int[moves_as index == tid ? B : E];

  [ThreadLocal] elems moves_as (isLocal(this) || isRead()) ? B : E;

  public ArrayExample() {
    this.elems = new [ThreadLocal](10);

  requires 0 <= tid < 10;
  public void access() {
    this.elems[tid] == 0;


Anchor checks synchronization specifications for the following two properties: validity and stability. These are covered next.

(One small detail to keep in mind: any field that may be given L, R, or N commuting behavior may be prone to data races (unordered conflicting accesses). We require those fields to be declared volatile to ensure sequential consistency, which provides a strong guarantee to the programmer even on platforms with relaxed memory models.)


Synchronization specifications must exclude commuting actions that might change program state. For example, in any context where the specification indicates that a reading a field is a right-mover, all writes to that field must be forbidden. Otherwise, the read could commute to the right past a write that changes the value stored in the field.

The following specification is not valid, because it permits such reads to commute across writes.
(Whenever we show you buggy code, we change our verify button from to .)

  volatile int value moves_as B;

class Example {
  volatile int value moves_as B;

Attempting to verify this snippet produces a pair of operations by different threads that violate the validity requirement.

Here is a declaration with a more interesting validity violation. The field value can be updated to any value until it becomes -1. At that point, it becomes readonly. The specification indicates that all reads and writes are initially non-movers until value does become -1. At that point, only reads are allowed and are both-movers.

volatile int value 
  moves_as this.value != -1 ? N : (isRead() ? B : E);

class Example {
volatile int value 
  moves_as this.value != -1 ? N : (isRead() ? B : E);

Verifying this code identifies a validity problem, and Anchor shows a pair of steps by different threads that commute according to the specification but that change program behavior when they do. In particular, a read of -1 can left-commute past a write to the field. However, this is problematic since the field’s value might not be -1 before the write occurs, meaning the read will then see a different value. We can rule out the problematic case by permitting reads of -1 to right-commute but not left-commute:

volatile int value 
  moves_as this.value != -1 ? N : (isRead() ? R : E);

class Example {
volatile int value 
  moves_as this.value != -1 ? N : (isRead() ? R : E);


The second correctness requirement for synchronization specifications is stability. A synchroniation specification is stable if the permission to read or write a field is either invariant over interleaved writes, or at least changed only in ways that do not invalidate Anchor’s reduction-based reasoning. This is a more subtle property that validity, but also one that doesn’t come up often. We’ll talk about it more in the Errors document.

P/C Equivalence

Now that we’ve explored Anchor’s synchronization specifications, let’s see what it guarantees about methods.

Anchor programs include yield annotations documenting where thread interference is observable. Anchor uses the synchronization specifications to verify that these annotations are placed correctly. As such, Anchor ensures that all public methods exhibit the same behavior under both

  • a preemptive scheduler that context switches at any point, and
  • a cooperative scheduler that context switches only at yield annotations.

We call this guarantee P/C equivalence. It enables subsequent higher-level (formal or informal) reasoning to be based on the more intuitive cooperative scheduler, even though the code runs on standard, preemptive hardware. In addition, code without yields is guaranteed to be atomic.


We’ll now add a push method to Stack that creates and inserts a new Node at head.

public void push(int item) {
  Node node = new Node(item, this.head);
  this.head = node; 

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

  Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  public void push(int item) {
    Node node = new Node(item, this.head);
    this.head = node; 


To respect the synchronization discipline, the push method acquires the lock on the stack object prior to accessing head. The push() method is atomic (reducible) since it consists of a lock acquire (R), a lock-protected read of head (B), initialization of a thread-local node (B), a lock-protected write to head (B), and a lock release (L), thus matching the pattern R*;N?;L*.

For field accesses, the synchronization discipline is evaluated at the current program point to determine its commutativity. For example, the write to this.head occurs when the lock for this is held, and evaluating the synchronization specification for head in this context yields B.

We can compare this to a broken version that fails to acquire the lock. If we try to verify this code, we get a reduction error, because the read of this.head occurs without the lock for this held, and the specification for head in this context yields E. (If you click on the B icon in the error message, you can see how Anchor used the synchronization specification to conclude that that access is an error, namely that the current thread with id tid does not hold the lock for this.)

public void push(int item) {
  Node node = new Node(item, this.head);
  this.head = node; 

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

  Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  public void push(int item) {
    Node node = new Node(item, this.head);
    this.head = node; 



Now we’ll add a pop method. The pop() method similarly acquires the stack’s lock, but then busy waits until the stack has at least one element in it. While waiting, it releases and re-acquires the lock. Here’s a first attempt at writing the code, but Anchor won’t be able to verify it quite yet.

public int pop() {
  while (this.head == null) {
  int value = this.head.item;
  this.head =;
  return value;

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

  Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  public int pop() {
    while (this.head == null) {
    int value = this.head.item;
    this.head =;
    return value;


If we inspect the error message Anchor reports for the code, it tells us that Anchor cannot determine that the lock for this is held at the loop head. While it may be clear to us that it is, we need to provide Anchor with a loop invariant indicating that this is the case:

public int pop() {
  while (this.head == null) 
    invariant holds(this);

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

  Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  public int pop() {
    while (this.head == null)   
      invariant holds(this);
    int value = this.head.item;
    this.head =;
    return value;


For this version, Anchor verifies that that loop invariant holds whenever we reach the top of the loop and is thus able to conclude that the access to this.head in the loop test is a both-mover.

However, we still get an error, this time because the steps taken by pop don’t match our reducible pattern. In particular, we have a left-mover release followed by a right-mover acquire. This indicates that other threads may change head between the release and acquire. Thus, we include a yield at that point.

public int pop() {
  while (this.head == null) 
    invariant holds(this);

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

  Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  public int pop() {
    while (this.head == null)   
      invariant holds(this);
    int value = this.head.item;
    this.head =;
    return value;


Since yield annotations are part of a program’s specification, they do not affect the run-time behavior of the code. Any call to pop performs heap operations with the following commutivities:

R; [ B; L; yield; R; ]* B; B; L;

This sequence consists of reducible subsequences R*;N?;L* separated by yields and is thus P/C equivalent.

Assertions and Debugging

Let’s now add a method to our Stack that uses an assert statement. Anchor will verify that these assertions will never fail at run time. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for us here.

public void buggy() {
  assert this.head.item == 10;

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

  Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  public void buggy() {
    assert this.head.item == 10;

  public void push(int item) {
    Node node = new Node(item, this.head);
    this.head = node; 


The first thing that happens when we try to verify if is that we get the error commutivity for the access to this.head before the lock for the this object is not held at the assert statement. We can see the reasoning leading to this commutivity by clicking on the mover button E next to the assert statement in the error message. We can fix the error by acquiring the lock beforehand:

public void buggy() {
  assert this.head.item == 10;

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

  Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  public void buggy() {
    assert this.head.item == 10;

  public void push(int item) {
    Node node = new Node(item, this.head);
    this.head = node; 


However, examination of the resulting error message indicates that the code is no longer reducible because we acquire the lock after releasing it in the nested call to push. Clicking on the button next to the next call will show you the steps inside that call.

Adding a yield at that point fixes the reduction error but results in a potential assertion failure.

public void buggy() {
  assert this.head.item == 10;

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

  Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  public void buggy() {
    assert this.head.item == 10;

  public void push(int item) {
    Node node = new Node(item, this.head);
    this.head = node; 


Clicking on the heap button next to the assertion in the error message shows us the counterexample provided by Anchor’s theorem prover, which shows why the assertion may fail. Note that the value of this.head.item read from the heap is not 10. We can see where this.head.item became a different value by click on the heap button next to the yield step. This version shows both the pre-state and the post-state of the yield, with any changes hilighted in red. From this it is clear that, perhaps as expected, another thread could modify this.head at that point in execution, lead to the subsequent assertion failure.

Method Specifications

The last step of verifying our Stack is to add method specifications describing their intended behavior. For the atomic method push, we can simply state that the method’s head after the call contains the newly-inserted value and a reference to the old head. We also must include the standard modifies annotation to specify which memory locations might be modified by the method.

modifies this;
ensures this.head.item == item;
ensures == old(this.head);
public void push(int item) { 

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

  Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  modifies this;
  ensures this.head.item == item;
  ensures == old(this.head);
  public void push(int item) {
    Node node = new Node(item, this.head);
    this.head = node; 

  modifies this;
  ensures old(this.head) != null;
  ensures $result == old(this.head.item); 
  ensures this.head == old(;
  public int pop() {
    while (this.head == null)   
      invariant holds(this);
    int value = this.head.item;
    this.head =;
    return value;


The specification for pop is a bit more interesting because pop is not atomic. Moreover, all of the reducible sequences are no-ops, except for the very last one where we atomically remove a node from the stack. That last atomic step is what we summarize in the specification:

modifies this;
ensures old(this.head) != null;
ensures $result == old(this.head.item); 
ensures this.head == old(;
public int pop() {
  while (this.head == null)   
    invariant holds(this);
  int value = this.head.item;
  this.head =;
  return value;

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : (isRead() ? B : E);

  Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;

class Stack {
  Node head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  modifies this;
  ensures this.head.item == item;
  ensures == old(this.head);
  public void push(int item) {
    Node node = new Node(item, this.head);
    this.head = node; 

  modifies this;
  ensures old(this.head) != null;
  ensures $result == old(this.head.item); 
  ensures this.head == old(;
  public int pop() {
    while (this.head == null)   
      invariant holds(this);
    int value = this.head.item;
    this.head =;
    return value;


Here, the special variable $result refers to the method’s return value, and terms of the form old(e), such as old(this.head.item), refer to the value of e at the beginning of the yield-free region captured by the specification. Note that old(this.head.item) may have a different value than it had at the start of the method call if interference occurs at a documented yield point.

Non-blocking Concurrency

We can also write an alternative LockFreeStack that uses optimistic concurrency control instead of a lock:

class Stack {

  volatile Node head moves_as N;

  modifies this;
  ensures == old(this.head);
  ensures this.head.item == item;
  public void push(int item) {
    while (true) {
      Node next = this.head;
      Node nu = new Node(item, next);
      if (cas(this, head, next, nu)) {

  // ...



In this version, any thread can read or write the field head at any time. All accesses to it are thus non-movers N because of the potential for conflicting concurrent writes, so Anchor requires head be declared volatile to ensure sequential consistency.

The method push() reads this.head into n, allocates a new node nu, and then tries to atomically change this.head from n to nu with an atomic compare-and-swap (cas) operation. If the cas operation fails, the code retries until it succeeds. The last iteration of the loop thus looks like this:

N n = this.head;
B nu = ...;
N successful-cas;

where succeeding cas operation is a non-mover (N) since it writes to head. All earlier loop iterations look like this:

N n = this.head;
B nu = ...;
B failed-cas;

Our analysis permits cas to fail non-deterministically so we treat failing cas operations as both-movers (B). The B/N annotation in the figure captures the cas operation’s failing/succeeding commutativities.

The sequence

[ N; yield; B; B ]*; N; yield; B; N

consists of reducible sequences separated by yields and is thus P/C equivalent. As in the previous example, the reducible sequences are all no-ops, except for the last, which has the heap effect of atomically adding the new node to the stack, as required by push()’s specification. The pop() method is similar.

LockFreeStack’s methods satisfy the exact same specifications as Sack’s, despite using optimistic concurrency control instead of locks!

Exercise. Write a non-blocking pop() method for LockFreeStack.

Ghost Fields

Anchor provides basic support for data abstraction via ghost fields. Ghost fields are present only at verification time and not at run time, They enable us to express specifications using data abstraction. For example, the following Queue class represents a fixed-size queue as a circular buffer where values are inserted at tail and removed from head.

class Queue {

  // Concrete State

  array T = int[moves_as holds(this) ? B : E];

  [T] elems moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : readonly;

  volatile int tail moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;
  volatile int head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  // Abstract State

  ghost Seq<int> spec;

  invariant this.spec.length 
         == (512 + this.tail - this.head) % 512;

  invariant (forall int i :: 
    (this.head <= i < this.tail) || 
    (this.head > this.tail && 
     (this.head <= i < 512 || 0 <= i < this.tail))
    ==> this.elems[i] 
        == this.spec[(512 + i - this.head)%512]);



axiom (forall int x, int y :: 
        0 <= x && x < y ==> x % y == x);
axiom (forall int x, int y :: 
        y <= x && x < (y+y) ==> x % y == x - y);
axiom (forall int x :: 
        0 < x ==> x % x == 0);

class Queue {

  // Concrete State

  array T = int[moves_as holds(this) ? B : E];

  [T] elems moves_as isLocal(this) ? B : readonly;

  volatile int tail moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;
  volatile int head moves_as holds(this) ? B : E;

  invariant this.elems != null && this.elems.length == 512;
  invariant 0 <= this.tail < 512;
  invariant 0 <= this.head < 512;

  // Abstract State

  ghost Seq<int> spec;

  invariant this.spec.length == (512 + this.tail - this.head) % 512;

  invariant (forall int i :: 
      (this.head <= i < this.tail) || 
      (this.head > this.tail) && (this.head <= i < 512 || 0 <= i < this.tail)
      ==> this.elems[i] == this.spec[(512 + i - this.head)%512]);

  ensures this.spec == [ ];
  public Queue() {
    // spec, head, tail all zero/empty initialized
    this.elems = new [T](512);

  modifies this;
  ensures this.spec == old(this.spec) ++ [x];
  public void enqueue(int x) {
    while ((this.tail + 1) % 512 == this.head) 
      invariant holds(this); {
    this.elems[this.tail] = x;
    this.tail = (this.tail + 1) % 512;
    this.spec = this.spec ++ [x];

  modifies this;
  ensures old(this.spec) == [$result] ++ this.spec;
  public int dequeue() {
    while (this.tail == this.head) 
      invariant holds(this); {
    int result = this.elems[this.head];
    this.head = (this.head + 1) % 512;
    this.spec = this.spec[1..SeqLen(this.spec)];
    return result;


The ghost field spec represents the queue as a sequence with values added at the end and removed from the first, and we provide suitable invariants to ensure that the spec sequence matches the queue encoded by the concrete state. Method specifications are then written in terms of only the ghost field. We update ghost fields just as normal fields, but Anchor assumes that all updates to such fields happen while executing the “commit” step of an atomic block. (Internally, that means we can treat all access to ghost fields as both movers…)

This example also shows how to introduce new axioms. The modular arithmetic operator % is left as an uninterpreted function by default, so here we provide axioms capturing the modular arithmetic properties necessary to verify the code:

axiom (forall int x, int y :: 
        0 <= x && x < y ==> x % y == x);
axiom (forall int x, int y :: 
        y <= x && x < (y+y) ==> x % y == x - y);
axiom (forall int x :: 
        0 < x ==> x % x == 0);

Anchor provides three built-in value types to add in abstraction: sequences, maps, and sets. These types can be used in specifications but not in actual code. These are defined directly via the Z3 solver’s underlying theories.

  • Seq<T> is an immutable sequence of T elements, where [ ] is the empty sequence and [x] is a single-element sequence. Sequences support concatenation (s1 ++ s2), length (s.length), access (s[i], and subsequence s[start..end] operations. There are also builtin functions for these operators and other operations. In most cases, Anchor will infer the appropriate type argument T For these function calls, and it can be omitted, as in SeqEmpty().

    • SeqEmpty<T>() : Seq<T>
    • SeqLen<T>(Seq<T>): int
    • SeqConcat<T>(Seq<T>, Seq<T>) : Seq<T>
    • SeqNth<T>(Seq<T>, int) : T
    • SeqUnit<T>(T) : Seq<T>
    • SeqSub<T>(Seq<T>, int, int) : Seq<T>
    • SeqEqual<T>(Seq<T>,Seq<T>): boolean
  • Map<K,V> is an immutable map from type K to V. This type supports three functions:

    • MapEmpty<K,V>(): Map<K,V>
    • MapStore<K,V>(m, k, v): Map<K,V>
    • MapSelect<K,V>(m, k): V
  • Set<T> is an immutable set from type T. Sets support the following:

    • SetEmpty<T>() : Set<T>
    • SetSingleton<T>(T) : Set<T>
    • SetUnion<T>(Set<T>, Set<T>) : Set<T>
    • SetAdd<T>(Set<T>, T) : Set<T>
    • SetRemove<T>(Set<T>, T) : Set<T>
    • SetContains<T>(Set<T>, T) : boolean
    • SetIsEqual<T>(Set<T>, Set<T>) : boolean
    • SetIsSubset<T>(Set<T>, Set<T>) : boolean

Here is an example using some of these operators and functions:

class SeqExample {

class SeqExample {

  ghost Seq<int> seq;

  public void functions() {
      this.seq = SeqEmpty<int>();
      this.seq = SeqUnit(4);
      this.seq = SeqConcat(this.seq, this.seq);
      assert SeqNth(this.seq, 0) == 4;
      assert SeqLen(this.seq) == 2;

  public void operators() {
      this.seq = [ 4 ];
      this.seq = this.seq ++ this.seq;
      assert this.seq[0] == 4;
      assert this.seq.length == 2;


Additional Details and Features


Anchor supports abbreviations for common synchronization idioms encountered in practice. We introduce those abbreviations here before showing one more sophisticated example.

thread_local isLocal(this) ? B : E
guarded_by(l) holds(l) ? B : E
write_guarded_by(l) isRead()
? (holds(l) ? B : N)
: (holds(l) ? N : E)
readonly isRead() ? B : E
immutable isRead() ? R : E

For thread-local fields, the allocating thread initially has exclusive access (B). If the object ever becomes shared between threads, subsequent accesses are errors (E).

The guarded_by abbreviation captures lock-based exclusive access, as for Stack’s head field. The write_guarded_by abbreviation captures a more subtle discipline where a lock must be held for writes but not necessarily for reads. Reads while holding the lock are both-movers (B) since there cannot be concurrent writes; reads without holding the lock are non-movers (N) since there may be concurrent writes; and lock-protected writes are non-movers (N) since there may be concurrent reads.

The readonly abbreviation is used when a field’s value is fixed from the moment the field becomes accessible to multiple threads. Reads of readonly fields are both-movers.

For immutable fields, writes are forbidden (E), but reads are okay and are right-movers due to the absence of subsequent writes. Reads of immutable fields are not left-movers, however, as the field could have changed before becoming immutable.

Which Objects are Thread Local?

Anchor uses a simple strategy to identify thread-local objects. A newly-allocated object is thread-local until a reference to it is stored in another object, at which point it is considered shared. Thus, shared objects never refer to thread-local data. The same applies to arrays. Also, Anchor assumes that the receiver and all objects passed as parameters to public methods are shared, and that the receiver of a call to a public constructor is considered local.

Modeling Heap Changes at Yield Points

The following shows an atomic integer class AtomicInt . The synchronization specification indicates that the field this.n can be read and written when holding the self lock and that writes must always increment n, as expressed via the condition newValue == this.n + 1.

class AtomicInc {

  int n 
    moves_as holds(this) 
             ? isRead() ? B 
                        : (newValue == this.n + 1 ? B : E)
             : E;
  modifies this;
  ensures this.n == old(this.n) + 1;
  ensures $result == this.n;
  int inc() {
    synchronized(this) {
      this.n = this.n + 1;
      return this.n;


Here is a client of our class that increments the counter twice and asserts that the value after the second increment is larger than the value after the first. However, this code will not pass the verifier. If you try to verify the code, Anchor will be unable to ensure that counter.n is not decreased during the yield.

class AtomicIntClient {
  public void incTwice(AtomicInc counter) {
    int n =;
    assert >= n;

class AtomicInc {

  int n 
    moves_as holds(this) 
             ? isRead() ? B 
                        : (newValue == this.n + 1 ? B : E)
             : E;

  modifies this;
  ensures this.n == old(this.n) + 1;
  ensures $result == this.n;
  int inc() {
    synchronized(this) {
      this.n = this.n + 1;
      return this.n;

class AtomicIntClient {
  public void incTwice(AtomicInc counter) {
    int n =;
    assert >= n;


The root cause of Anchor’s inability to verify this code lies in how it models state change at yields. Generally speaking, a yield statement is modelled as zero or more heap updates to each memory location by other threads. Those updates are constrained by each memory location’s read access permission: the value of any memory location for which the current thread has right-mover read access is preserved.

This rule works for the vast majority of cases, but it may admit changes to a field like counter.n that are not actually feasible if updates to counter.n are restricted in some particular way, as is the case here with the restriction that all updates must increment the old value.

This motivates our introduction of optional yields_as annotations to better approximate heap updates. These annotations relate a field’s post-yield value to its pre-yield value. For our AtomicInt class, we include a yields_as annotation guaranteeing the value of n may only increase at a yield. With that change, the client passes the verifier.

int n 
  moves_as holds(this) 
            ? isRead() ? B 
                      : (newValue == this.n + 1 ? B : E)
            : E
  yields_as newValue >= this.n;

class AtomicInc {

  int n 
    moves_as holds(this) 
              ? isRead() ? B 
                        : (newValue == this.n + 1 ? B : E)
              : E
    yields_as newValue >= this.n;

  modifies this;
  ensures this.n == old(this.n) + 1;
  ensures $result == this.n;
  int inc() {
    synchronized(this) {
      this.n = this.n + 1;
      return this.n;

class AtomicIntClient {
  public void incTwice(AtomicInc counter) {
    int n =;
    assert >= n;


Anchor verifies that yields_as annotations subsume all writes permissible by the synchronization specification and that they set up possible updates permitted by them is reflexively and transitively closed.

ABA Freedom

Here is a second version of the AtomicInt class that uses cas and optimistic concurrency control. The synchronization specification for the now-volatile field n indicates that the field can be read and written at any time (N) and that writes must always increment n.

class AtomicInc {

  volatile int n  
    moves_as isRead() ? N
                      : (newValue == this.n + 1 ? N : E)
    yields_as newValue >= this.n;

  modifies this;
  ensures this.n == old(this.n) + 1;
  public void inc() {
    while (true) {
      int x = this.n;
      if (cas(this,n,x,x+1)) {


We cannot verify this code, because the read of this.n and the subsequent read/write in the cas operation are both non-movers.

We could eliminate this error by inserting a yield between them, but Anchor provides a better way based on the fact that this.n is free of ABA problems. This means that if a thread reads a value A from this.n, and then later reads the same value A again, then no other thread could have changed this.n from A to a different value B, and then back to A again in between those two reads. This property helps prove absence of interference between threads. We can declare the n field to be noABA, and Anchor verifies that it exhibits ABA freedom.

noABA volatile int n  
  moves_as isRead() ? N
                    : (newValue == this.n + 1 ? N : E)
  yields_as newValue >= this.n;

class AtomicInc {

  noABA volatile int n  
    moves_as isRead() ? N
                      : (newValue == this.n + 1 ? N : E)
    yields_as newValue >= this.n;

  modifies this;
  ensures this.n == old(this.n) + 1;
  public void inc() {
    while (true) {
      int x = this.n;
      if (cas(this,n,x,x+1)) {


Moreover, it is sufficient to guarantee that there is no yield necessary between the read and cas operations:

  • The last loop iteration in inc() consists of a read of n into x, followed by a successful cas changing this.n from x to x+1. Since n is ABA free, no other thread could have written to n between the read and the successful cas. As such, Anchor considers the read operation to be a right-mover, provided it is followed by a successful cas.
R x = this.n;
N successful-cas;
  • On all earlier iterations, the read of this.n is followed by a failed cas, which is a both-mover. Thus, any call to inc() performs the following sequence of heap operations:
N x = this.n;
B failed-cas;

The sequence [ N; B; yield ]* R; N consists of reducible sequences separated by yields and is P/C equivalent equivalent. Moreover, the reducible sequences are all no-ops, except for the last, which has the heap effect of atomically incrementing this.n, as required by inc()’s specification.

This more precise cas-based reasoning can be very useful for verifying the correctness of many non-blocking algorithms. It involves verifying that noABA fields are free from ABA problems and treating reads from them differently, depending on whether or not each read is followed by a successful cas operation.

Object Invariants

Anchor supports object invariants. For example, to express that Nodes in a linked list must be ordered by their items, we can add the following invariant to our Node class from our stack example:

invariant != null  
          ==> this.item <=;  

class Node {
  int item  moves_as isLocal(this) ? B 
                                   : (isRead() ? B : E);
  Node next moves_as isLocal(this) ? B 
                                   : (isRead() ? B : E);

  invariant != null  ==>  this.item <=;

  requires item <= next.item;
  public Node(int item, Node next) {
    this.item = item; = next;


Anchor assumes all object invariants hold at the start of each P/C equivalent method and immediately after each yield operation, and it verifies that the invariants hold at the end of each P/C equivalent method and immediately before each yield operation.

Loop Termination

Anchor requires that that any reducible sequence reaching its “commit” point must terminate. As such, Anchor verifies that any thread entering the “left-matching” (or “post-commit”) phase of a reducible block reaches a yield point, and it rejects any program that, when in the left-matching phase, blocks indefinitely (e.g., due to an acquire) or loops indefinitely.

For example, the following loop cannot appear between a non-mover operation and the next yield, since Anchor does not verify loop termination without some additional help from the programmer.

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
  // ...

class DecreasingLoop {
  volatile int value moves_as N;

  public void looping() {
    this.value = 0;   // non-mover!
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
      // ...


In cases where a loop like this does indeed terminate, the programmer may supply a termination metric with a decreases annotation to provide a non-negative integer expression that decreases in value on each loop iteration.

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) 
  decreases 10 - i;
  // ...

class DecreasingLoop {
  volatile int value moves_as N;

  public void looping() {
    this.value = 0;   // non-mover!
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) 
      decreases 10 - i;
      // ...


This is quite similar to how Dafny treats loops.

Non-Atomic Method Specifications

A public method containing no yields always has atomic behavior. That behavior can be specified with standard requires, modifies, and ensures annotations, as illustrated by our Stack’s push() method:

modifies this;
ensures == old(this.head);
ensures this.head.item == item;
public void push(int item) {
  Node node = new Node(item, this.head);
  this.head = node; 



A public method containing yields may also exhibit atomic behavior if it never executes more than one yield-free code region with visible side effects. The pop() method has this property. In this case, the specification captures the behavior of the one region with side effects:

modifies this;
ensures old(this.head) != null;
ensures $result == old(this.head.item); 
ensures this.head == old(;
public int pop() {
  while (this.head == null) 
    invariant holds(this);
  int value = this.head.item;
  this.head =;
  return value;



The behavior of public methods with non-atomic behavior can be specified via a sequence of blocks containing modifies and ensures clauses. For example, the incTwice method in our AtomicIntClient class can be specificed as follows

  modifies counter;
  ensures counter.n == old(counter.n) + 1;
  modifies counter;
  ensures counter.n == old(counter.n) + 1;
public void incTwice(AtomicInc counter) {
  int n =;
  assert >= n;

  class AtomicInc {

  int n  moves_as holds(this) 
                  ? isRead() ? B 
                             : newValue == this.n + 1 ? B : E
                  : E
         yields_as newValue >= this.n;
  modifies this;
  ensures this.n == old(this.n) + 1;
  ensures $result == this.n;
  int inc() {
    synchronized(this) {
      this.n = this.n + 1;
      return this.n;

class AtomicIntClient {
    modifies counter;
    ensures counter.n == old(counter.n) + 1;
    modifies counter;
    ensures counter.n == old(counter.n) + 1;
  public void incTwice(AtomicInc counter) {
    int n =;
    assert >= n;


We include the yield keyword in the specification to reinforce that interference may occur at those intermediate points, and that the heap state at those points may be exposed to other threads.

The add method for a sorted linked list implemented with hand-over-hand locking is similarly non-atomic and be specified as a sequence of three atomic blocks that refer to an additional specification variable ptr. The first initializes ptr to the head of the list; the second (which may be iterated any number of times) moves ptr one node further down the list, performing the appropriate synchronization, until the insertion point is found; and the third inserts a new node at that location.

  Node pred;
    // start at head
    ensures pred == this.head && holds(pred);
    // step down list, releasing old pred, and
    // acquiring new pred
    ensures old(holds(pred));
    ensures old( < item;
    ensures pred == old(;
    ensures !holds(old(pred)) && holds(pred);
    // return false if already there.
    // return true and create new node at if not.
    modifies pred;
    ensures old(holds(pred)) && !holds(pred);
    ensures old( >= item;
    ensures old( == item ==> !$result;
    ensures old( > item  
              ==> $result
                && == item 
                && == old(;
public boolean add(int item) { 



Anchor verifies that method bodies conform to their specifications a simulation check that matches the execution of a yield-free region to a corresponding step taken in the specification.

Using this feature comes with some caveats. Most importantly, Anchor doesn’t presently properly handle this type of specification for methods that may exit before reaching the end of the sequence. Anchor encodes a multi-block specification as an NFA and simulates steps in the automata for each yield-free region. Debugging problems when the simulation fails can be a bit tricky. We expose the the currents state of the NFA in the heap diagrams with special variables $spec$0, $spec$1, etc. that capture the initial state, the state after the first specification block is matched, and so on. You can use those variables to see where the simulation fails.


While we have tried to stick as close to Java as we could, there are some missing features and other limitations. None of these are insurmountable, but there was only so much we could do in our first Anchor prototype…

Some of the missing Java features in subtyping, inheritance, and generics. We also only have int and boolean primitives types, arrays may only have one-dimension to make type checking and verification simpler, there is no analog of packages or imports, and some control structures (like switch statements) are missing. Anchor also does not support the pre/post ++ and -- operators. Since we currently inline method calls in public methods, Anchor doesn’t support recursion.

Your best bet for understanding what is presently supported is to look through our many examples, which illustrate pretty much everything Anchor can do.

You you encounter unusual behavior, missing features, misleading errors, etc. please let us know!